Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora
Kyoushirou to Towa no Sora revolves around the life of Kou Shiratori who is a seemingly normal high school girl who enjoys school life in the giant city Academia, which is thought of as a symbol of recovery for humanity since already ten years have passed since the greatest disaster mankind had ever seen occurred. Kou has recently been having a recurring dream where a prince meets her and takes her away. One day, while all the students at her school are preparing for the upcoming school festival, the prince whom she has met several times in her dreams appears. The prince, whose name is Kyoushirou Ayanokouji, requests of her just as he had done in Kou's dreams, "Let's go... together..."Main Character
Setsuna (せつな)
Setsuna, also known as "Setsuna of the Moment of Dreams," is the Absolute Angel Claiomh Solais (Kurau Sorasu). She fights alongside Kyōshirō as his partner. Rarely expressing any emotion, she is a perfect beauty who does everything flawlessly, but seems to act solely based on Kyōshirō's orders and wishes, not her own will. Setsuna begins to grow jealous of Kyōshirō and Kū's closeness, but she holds back her feelings so as to not trouble Kyōshirō. When Kyōshirō confesses his love for Kū, however, Setsuna betrays her emotions for the first time.Setsuna's Absolute Angel symbol is located on her right arm, which is the dominant hand in Claiomh Solais.
Kyoshiro Ayanokoji (綾小路 京四郎)
Kyōshirō, the new transfer student from the legendary Jōtō Academy, is instantly a heartthrob to the ladies. He strongly resembles the prince from Kū's dreams. He supports the Central Student Government and has also stated his absolute intention to recover and destroy all of the Absolute Angels, following what he believes to be the wishes of his deceased brother, Kazuya. He eventually falls in love with Kū, which forces him to reevaluate his life goals and the way he has been treating Setsuna. Before he can settle matters with Setsuna, however, Kazuya returns and steals her and Kū away.A refined gentleman, adept in playing the violin and horseback riding. Kyōshirō is the youngest of the four children in his family.
Kuu Shiratori (白鳥 空)
Kū is quite the normal high school girl who feels as if she's drifting through her existence. She never misses a chance to give letters to the mysterious prince in her dreams and frequently talks to him in her thoughts. In reality, she's an introverted girl, believing that she lacks good qualities. She appears to be easily overwhelmed by situations that deviate from her previous experiences and expectations. Kū has lost both of her parents, but she does not think of herself as being unhappy because of it.Her original name is "Cielo", meaning sky, who is the original Absolute Angel researched by Kazuya and his grandfather. During the incident ten years ago, Cielo is split into four pieces, Murakumo, Batraz, Claiomh Solais and Megingjord. In addition, Megingjord is sepparated into two pieces. Kū is the original body, while Waruteishia is the soul; this explains Kū's initial feelings that she is lacking something inside.
She starts to fall for Kyoshiro in episode 2.
Himiko (ひみこ)
Himiko adheres closely to Kaon and is one of Mika's many lovers, although the relationship is not romantic; rather, Himiko is Mika's subordinate in all things, with Mika using her as she sees fit. Himiko has even mentioned that her name was 'assigned' to her by Mika. She is based off of the character Himeko Kurusugawa from Kannazuki no Miko and has been said to be Himeko's reincarnation. She certainly seems to display Himeko's lack of self-confidence and strong emotional bond with Chikane's counterpart, Kaon, even protecting her and providing her with energy at a cost to her own well-being.Kaon (かおん)
Kaon, also known as "Kaon of the Moon Spiral," is the Absolute Angel Murakumo (a reference to the mecha/deity Ame no Murakamo from Kannazuki no Miko.) A student from the Higashigetsu Fūma Witch Academy, she stages attacks on Kū and her friends by order of Mika, although she does not seem to feed on the energy of innocent bystanders as Tarlotte does. Himiko usually appears with her. Despite the fact that she is Mika's 'trusted sword', she harbors a deep affection for Himiko, although she initially denies that their relationship is of a romantic nature.Kaon (歌音) is derivative of Chikane Himemiya (千歌音), her alter ego in Kannazuki no Miko and has been said to be Chikane's reincarnation. She certainly displays a strong desire to protect Himiko, even at a cost to herself, just as Chikane did for Himeko. She has her Absolute Angel mark on her left arm. At one point, Mika removes Kaon's own mark to place her own, after having had her subjected to a torturous process to increase the power of Murakumo and to restrict Kaon to only being able to draw energy from Mika. These events apparently change Kaon's personality and sever her emotional bond with Himiko, to the latter's great distress. Later events show, however, that Kaon's true nature and affections still exist underneath the damage done to her by Mika's torments. Her mark is restored when Himiko kisses Kaon, expressing her love for her.
Tarlotte (たるろって)
Tarlotte, also known as "Tarlotte of the Aligned Planets," is the Absolute Angel Batraz (Badorasu). Her anger lays waste to all who stand before her, but she has a childish personality and mind to go with her childish body. Tarlotte frequently has trouble finding the right words to express herself. While attacking the academy, she absorbs the life energy of the students. She has a rather odd relationship with her companion, Sōjirō; while she apparently enjoys his food and seems to rely on him to care for her, she frequently vents her frustrations upon him through acts of violence. Her Absolute Angel emblem is located on her right thigh. Her tail is merely attached to her underwear, though it does move to her emotions.Although her design resembles Nekoko from Kannazuki no Miko, Tarlotte's name reference to the two characters from Kaishaku's older work, Magical Cat Girl Taruto, Taruto and Charlotte. Taruto's character is also voiced by Hisayo Mochizuki.
Valteishia (ワルテイシア)
Valteishia, referring to herself as "Valteishia of the Sun and Solitude," commands the Absolute Angel Megingjord. She has experienced death and reincarnation many times and is now using her fourth body. Valteishia is the current companion of Kazuya and his loyal follower. At Kazuya's command, she apparently suppresses Kū's memories of her time with Kyoshiro and stuns Setsuna so he can take her away. Also, Valteishia likes Kazuya.When Valteishia explains how the original Absolute Angel Cielo was split into four beings, she clarifies that one of those further subdivided into its body and spirit. Kū is the body of that one Absolute Angel, while Valteishia is its spirit. Lacking a body of its own, this spirit was shunted into a Steel Angel body by Kazuya and became the current Valteishia. Valteishia apparently longs to be restored to her 'vessel', Kū, although she seems to regret some of Kazuya's acts and her own part in them. After the series, she aids a wheelchair-bound Kazuya, who appears to suffer from some mental damage.
Her design is adapted from Valkyrie, of the anime and manga series UFO Princess Valkyrie.
Mika Ayanokoji (綾小路ミカ)
Mika is the ruler of the Higashigetsu Fūma Witch Academy, who is setting forth the domination of all the female students through her right hand, Kaon. She displays signs of jealousy fueled by possessiveness when observing Himiko provide Kaon with energy and apparently has a vindictive streak as she punishes those of her subordinates who fail her. Furthermore, she displays signs of megalomania and extreme egomania. Mika is the third eldest child of the Ayanokōji family. She seems to have heterochromia, with her right iris being purple and the other orange; it is later implied that the orange eye may in fact be an implant. Mika suffered injuries during the 'Days of Hot Snow' which obliged her to have hospital stay and she is shown with a bandage covering her left eye. Years later, she seems to be suffering from a potentially debilitating medical condition, despite her usual poise and her much-lauded graces, which is possibly exacerbated by her tendency to provide Kaon with too much of her own Mana.Mika's own words betray that she desires Murakamo to love no one but herself and she expresses a malicious jealousy and contempt of Himiko, who is much deeper in Kaon's affections than she can apparently hope to be. Mika's flashbacks to her time in the hospital imply that she has fixated on Kaon because she reminds her of a nurse who took care of her at that time. Other people who bear the brunt of her bile are her elder brother Kazuya, whom she hates absolutely for everything he ever did including the manner of his death, and her younger brother Kyōshirō, who she considers to be 'the demon's tail', with Kazuya being 'the demon'. Mika's intense hatred for Kazuya seems to have originated during her early teens, when he stole away a girl she was developing an affection for, apparently with the explicit intention of hurting his sister's feelings.
Before her death, she entrusted Himiko to rescue Kaon from Kazuya and to that end gave her the key to a device she created based on plans drawn up by her grandfather Reito. This device is a type of bass guitar capable of creating a harmony to suppress Mana, thus causing pain to an Absolute Angel - or Kazuya.
Sojiro Ayanokoji (綾小路ソウジロウ)
Sōjirō is the second eldest child of the Ayanokōji family. He is a muscular, heavily scarred man who can stop Kyōshirō's sword swings and endure Tarlotte's beatings. Whatever is said or done to Tarlotte by anyone, oftentimes it is Sōjirō who endures the wrath of her anger. Despite this fact, he seems to be the one most concerned with Tarlotte's well-being, even providing her with energy when she falls unconscious after a battle, despite the fact that Tarlotte attacks him when she finds him kissing her to provide energy without her permission. Sōjirō not only seems to feel compassion for the people who are temporarily drained of energy by Tarlotte, but expresses feelings of pity for all the Absolute Angels.Unlike Kyōshirō's and Mika's behavior towards 'their' Absolute Angels, he seems to care for Tarlotte as a person, doing his best to keep her happy and worrying for her safety. In contrast with his siblings, Sōjirō appears to be a peaceful and thoughtful individual, who cares for the fate of bystanders of his own initiative. Sōjirō seems to be aware early on of the way events in his world are spiralling out of control and tries to decide the best way to redress this situation.
Sōjirō resembles the Orochi follower Girochi from Kannazuki no Miko.
Kazuya Ayanokoji (綾小路カズヤ)
The eldest son of the Ayanokōji family and a genius, who was involved in the experiments to create Absolute Angels alongside his grandfather. Kyōshirō believes that he sacrificed himself in an attempt to quell the great catastrophe of ten years prior to the main time line of the story. Sōjirō, however, has stated that for all his positive traits, Kazuya was a fool. Mika has added to this that Kazuya was as ruthless as a demon behind his eternal smile and tendency to always be victorious in any challenge. Kyōshirō looks up to him and makes every effort to emulate him, something his brother Sōjirō has advised him against and which arouses Mika's hatred for him.Kazuya resembles the prince from Kū's dreams even more strongly than Kyōshirō does; her dreams of the prince are in fact memories of the time she spent in the lab, being developed by Kazuya and the other scientists.
Jin Oogami (大神 ジン)
Jin, as the shield of order in the city of Academia, is the leader of the Seventh Public Morality Enforcement Squad. He is based off of the character Sōma Ōgami from Kannazuki no Miko, but has a much less forthright personality and seems to be more concerned with the safety of Academia as a whole than the rights of certain individuals.Kozue Satou (佐藤 こずえ)
Kozue has been Kū's best friend since they were little and always keeps her in mind. She has her energy drained from her by Tarlotte during one of the latter's attacks on the school Kozue attends along with Kū. She has a fascination with Jin Ōgami. She remains concerned with Kū's well-being after the latter disappears and tries to contact her, though Kū is unaware of this and believes her place at Kozue's side has been taken. Neither of Kozue's parents are with her. She appears to resemble Makoto from Kannazuki no Miko .