Selasa, 29 November 2011
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Anime Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
J-Pop Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Game Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Dancemania Lyrics (CD List)
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Doujin Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Anime Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
J-Pop Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Game Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Dancemania Lyrics (CD List)
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
Doujin Lyrics
#, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z
SynopsisThe story follows the "strongest juvenile delinquent", Oga Tatsumi, a first year in "Ishiyama High" the school for delinquents. One day while sleeping next to a river he sees a man floating down it, he pulls him to shore and the man splits in half revealing a baby boy. This boy is the son of the demon king and he has been chosen as the one to raise it with the baby's demon maid Hilda. The story follows his life with the child and at the delinquent school.Main Character Hildegard (ヒルデガルダ) The demon maid who helps Oga take care of the child, chosen to be the child's "Mother". She reveres the Demon Lord and feels that it is a great honor to act as Beelzebub's caretaker. Her most characteristic features include her gothic lolita appearance and (as pointed out by Oga's mother) "great big knockers." Oga's family is under the impression that Oga and Hilda had sex and that Beelzebub was the resulting consequence. She prefers that people call her Hilda, instead of her full name.Kaiser de Emperana Beelzebub IV (カイゼル・デ・エンペラーナ・ベルゼバブ4世) The son of the Devil King. He is very attached to Oga, clinging with a vice-like grip to Oga's back. When he is agitated or sees blood, he will spontaneously electrocute anyone within his vicinity. Beelzebub's characteristic cry is "Daabuu!" and he is always naked with a pacifier in his mouth.Takayuki Furuichi (古市貴之) Birthday: November 11Age: 16 Height: 175 cm (5'9") Likes: Cute women, beautiful women, simply women. Dislikes: Long stories Takayuki Furuichi is one of the main protagonists of Beelzebub. Furuichi is Oga's best friend and along with him is a 1st year at Ishiyama High. After finding out about Oga's baby he joins him up in his search for a new parent. He is actually the most normal person in the anime/manga because he tries to add common sense to everything. He also has no powers. Furuichi has silver/white hair and he is usually seen wearing the highschool uniform. He often retains a calm face but when Oga or other characters do something outrageous he turns insane in a comical fashion. Aoi Kunieda (邦枝葵) First appearance: Chapter 10Age: 17 Height: 165cm Birthday: May 15 Aoi is 17 years old, a second-year student and the third leader of the "strongest ladies of Kantou", the Red Tails. She is first introduced in disguise at the park taking care of her baby brother, Kouta, who is constantly mistaken as being Aoi's own child by the mothers at the park. She is the daughter of a local temple keeper. Her nickname is Queen because she is the protector of all the girls at Ishiyama High from the men's "grubby hands". Because of Oga's dense personality, he has yet to realize that the girl he befriended at the park and Kunieda are one and the same. Despite her tough personality, she has a rather girlish crush on Oga but refuses to admit this fact to others. She can feel Saotome using his demon power, which shows she has notable strength for a human. Kunieda differs from the other thugs at Ishiyama in that she has formal martial arts training from her grandfather, the master of the shingetsu style. She is also not a bully, and steers the leadership of the Red Tails towards preventing unnecessary fights in the school. This is what puts her first in collision course with Oga, as the latter is deemed by her to be responsible for most of recent violent events in the school. They have two exchanges: in neither does Oga return her attacks, limiting himself to evade them, first to let baby Beel assess her strength and thus find out whether she is a potential replacement for him; later, because a failure in communication leads Oga to believe that Kunieda's condition to take Beel is that he should resist her charges. She is greatly impressed by Oga's speed and power, and misunderstands his advances on her (to get rid of Beel) as romantic interest. After he saves her from a plot by the MK5, she decides to leave the Red Tails and become a more disciplined person, and at the same time her crush on Oga increases. Later, she and the Red Tails intervene to stop the whole male student body of Ishiyama from attacking Oga, allowing him to proceed to a confrontation with Toujou unhindered. She at first harboured some jealousy against Hilda, seeing her as a potential rival for Oga, but on discovering the truth about her and Baby Beel's true nature, their animosity becomes less pronounced. Later, it is Hilda who becomes jealous of Beel's attachment to Kunieda. She is a skilled swordswoman and martial artist, and possesses an immense amount of vitality and stamina, as well as impressive speed that is above Sakaki Mitsuteru's, who is known to be able to wield his sword at 250 km/h (however, she is not fast enough to hit Oga, who manages to evade even her best attacks with minor injuries). She can use any weapon she chooses in battle, and has even been shown to fight with nothing more than a ruler. She has shown the ability to assess opponents' strengths and weaknesses very quickly. Despite all this however, Hilda has noted that Kunieda is still below Oga's level in terms of battle capabilities. After being targeted by demons, she and Oga went on a training trip with her grandfather to improve their fighting skills. She then requested for advice on how to exorcise demons from her friend Isafuyu (see below). After training, she and Hilda fight again, and this time Kunieda proves to be a match for the demon maid. Hilda then notices that Kunieda has somehow learned to use demonic powers herself.It is later explained that Kunieda forged an alliance with a minor deity, Koma (see below), and becomes able to release demonic power, as sensed by Beel and Hilda. Tatsumi Oga (男鹿辰巳) Birthday: August 31Sign: Virgo Race: Human Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 179 cm (5'11") Eyes: Black Hair: Brown Likes: Korokke, Dogeza Dislikes: Long stories Affiliation: None Occupation: High school student Anime Debut: Ep. 1 Manga Debut: Chap. 1 Oga is easily agitated and is always willing to fight, unless it will bring out the Zebub spell. He appears to have his own skewed idea of what a 'man' should be like, and attempts to pass on these ideals to Be'el. Despite being called evil by almost every character of the series, he has shown to have a calmer and, if only slighlty, warmer side to him, shown when he speaks with Hilda about his position as Be'el parent and assuring Lamia that if Be'el ever got sick again he would call her immediately. He also seems to care, at least to some degree, about his classmates, as he quickly stopped Nene when she was about to fight Mikki, telling her she would lose if she did. He and Mikki seem to have some type of history together, yet Oga claims not to remember his old classmate. It is unknown if this is the truth as Mikki does not act suprised at Oga's statement. Oga, along with Furuichi, is an avid fan of the video game series "Dragon Quest" regularly making references to the series in the manga. |
Yukito Kunisaki is on a journey in search of the Winged Maiden who was bound to the sky centuries ago, after hearing an old childhood tale from his mother. As Yukito shows his puppet show to people in an attempt to make some money, he finds himself in a small town in which he did not expect to stay very long. However, when he meets an unusual girl named Misuzu, things take a drastic turn as he is invited to stay with her.By staying in the quaint town, Yukito soon becomes friends with the locals. As he gets to know them better, he learns of their problems and decides to help, putting his search for the Winged Maiden on hold. With his search on hold, and his growing attachment to Misuzu and the small town, will Yukito ever find the Winged Maiden, or is she closer than he thought?
Main Character
Misuzu Kamio (神尾観鈴)
Name: Misuzu KamioAge: 15-16
Hair Colour: Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue
Relations: Haruko Kamio (Aunt, Foster Mother then Adopted) and Kannabi no Mikoto/Kanna (Incarnation)
Favourite Animal: Dinosaur
Favourite Phrase: “Gao” (Noise of a Dinosaur)
Favourite Drink: Peach Pulp Juice
Misuzu Kamio is a slightly strange girl that is first introduced when she meets Yukito Kunisaki. With an obsession with dinosaurs (which goes back to her childhood), she finds it difficult to make friends and is constantly left alone. Because of Misuzu’s fondness of dinosaurs, she uses the word ‘Gao’ frequently, which is the noise she thought dinosaurs made when she was young. Even though Misuzu's foster mother scolds her whenever she utters it, Misuzu constantly disregards the warning and continues using it in her everyday speech.
One day, Misuzu resolves to make a friend, and after meeting Yukito, invites him over to dinner. Although Haruko disapproves of him at first, they all eventually become friends and Yukito is invited to stay. While playing cards one night, Misuzu suddenly cries without reason. Haruko soon explains that Misuzu has a condition where she cries uncontrollably when she comes close to making friends. Misuzu’s condition begins to worsen, prompting Yukito to leave. He soon discovers that Misuzu is related to a childhood tale he heard, and that she is the descendant of the Winged-Maiden in the tale, who has been cursed to eternal pain.
Misuzu soon becomes ill; she becomes childlike and has to use a wheelchair. As a result, Haruko tries to adopt Misuzu officially. Unfortunately, before she is able to do so, Misuzu's biological father comes to take her with him. However, when he tries to leave with her, Misuzu refuses, calling Haruko ‘Mama’.
Even though Misuzu stays with Haruko, her condition doesn’t improve, and when Yukito returns, she is in constant pain. In the final episode, Misuzu asks that they all go to the beach together and when they get there, Misuzu attempts to walk to Haruko and Yukito, calling them 'her goal.' Sadly, when Misuzu does reach them, she collapses and dies in Haruko’s arms, ending the curse placed on the Winged Maiden.
Kano Kirishima (霧島佳乃)
Name: Kano KirishimaAge: 15
Hair Colour: Blue
Eye Colour: Green
Relations: Hijiri Kirishima (Older Sister)
Likes: Potato (A Stray Dog that is always with her), Magic, Flying
Kano Kirishima is a young girl who lives with her older sister, Hijiri Kirishima, at the local Clinic. Kano is a bit strange because of her belief in magic; however, she is an outgoing girl who loves the town’s stray dog, ‘Potato’. After learning her mother died giving birth, Kano dreams of flying to meet her mother who she believes is watching down on them. Kano constantly wears a yellow scarf around her wrist, convinced she’ll be able to use magic as an adult if she never takes it off.
Kano’s first appears when Yukito Kunisaki is hired by her sister. Soon after becoming friends with Yukito, she reveals her dreams of flying and the reasoning behind her scarf. One day, Kano disappears and Yukito finds her near the town shrine, where Kano attempts to strangle Yukito. He soon finds out from Hijiri that Kano did strange things such as muttering nonsense and trying to commit suicide when she was younger. Hijiri then explains that after Kano attempted to slit her wrists, she put the scarf around it and fabricated the story of gaining magic powers, hoping this cause Kano’s suicidal acts to subside.
Later, Yukito, Misuzu and Hijiri find a letter from Kano saying she overheard the whole thing and that she’s going to fly away. They go to search for her and find her at the shrine again. This time, her scarf has been taken off and there is blood around her wrist with no visible wound. A feather then begins to glow on the shrine and Yukito gives it to Kano, invoking a hallucination where Kano sees her Mother. During this hallucination, Kano thanks her mother for giving birth to her and tells her she no longer needs the scarf. When Kano comes back, she tells everyone she saw her mother and that she is alright now. Kano then lets the scarf fly away into the wind.
Later, Yukito, Misuzu and Hijiri find a letter from Kano saying she overheard the whole thing and that she’s going to fly away. They go to search for her and find her at the shrine again. This time, her scarf has been taken off and there is blood around her wrist with no visible wound. A feather then begins to glow on the shrine and Yukito gives it to Kano, invoking a hallucination where Kano sees her Mother. During this hallucination, Kano thanks her mother for giving birth to her and tells her she no longer needs the scarf. When Kano comes back, she tells everyone she saw her mother and that she is alright now. Kano then lets the scarf fly away into the wind.
Yukito Kunisaki (国崎往人)
Name: Yukito KunisakiAge: Unknown (Possibly between 17-20)
Hair Colour: Grey
Eye Colour: Gold / Hazel
Relations: Ryuuya and Uraha (Long Descendant)
Favourite Food: Ramen
Favourite Object: His Puppet
Yukito Kunisaki is a young man who travels around the country, searching for the Winged-Maiden he was told about by his late mother. By using a special trick, Yukito is able to move his puppet without strings. He uses this to make money as he travels, with most of it going towards food.
One day, Yukito arrives in a small town by the sea. Quickly deciding not to stay very long, he heads for the beach in an attempt to make some money. While by the beach, he meets a strange girl named Misuzu who quickly invites him to her house for dinner and, although skeptical, he accepts. Soon after meeting her mother Haruko and becoming friends with them, he is convinced into staying there. Yukito soon begins doing odd jobs for the local clinic after the doctor catches him doing his puppet show outside. It is here that Yukito becomes friends with Kano and Minagi. However after getting to know them better he learns of their problems, which convinces Yukito to stay and help.
After helping Kano and Minagi, Yukito finds out about Misuzu’s illness, which is where she is unable to make friends because she’ll begin crying uncontrollably. Yukito then leaves, deciding that if he leaves, Misuzu will get better, however as he is about to leave Yukito realizes his mistake and goes back to help. Here is when he realizes his and Misuzu’s connection to the past and that Misuzu is the re-incarnation of the Winged Maiden. When Yukito finds Misuzu, she tells him of her last dream before falling asleep. Yukito then disappears in a bright light, causing Misuzu to wake up, seemingly better.
It is implied that when Sora appears in the Anime after Yukito’s disappearance, Sora is Yukito or contains a part of Yukito’s soul.
After helping Kano and Minagi, Yukito finds out about Misuzu’s illness, which is where she is unable to make friends because she’ll begin crying uncontrollably. Yukito then leaves, deciding that if he leaves, Misuzu will get better, however as he is about to leave Yukito realizes his mistake and goes back to help. Here is when he realizes his and Misuzu’s connection to the past and that Misuzu is the re-incarnation of the Winged Maiden. When Yukito finds Misuzu, she tells him of her last dream before falling asleep. Yukito then disappears in a bright light, causing Misuzu to wake up, seemingly better.
It is implied that when Sora appears in the Anime after Yukito’s disappearance, Sora is Yukito or contains a part of Yukito’s soul.
Minagi Tohno (遠野美凪)
Name: Minagi TohnoAge: 15
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Reddish Pink
Relations: Michiru (Younger Sister)
Likes: Astronomy
Minagi Tohno is a smart girl who is the top student in all her classes at school; however, she is very shy, with Michiru as her only friend. One of the things Minagi enjoys the most is studying the stars at night. Together, her and Michiru created the Astronomy Club, which she forces Yukito to join. Minagi’s mother and father are separated, with her mother living at home and her father away on business as a train conductor.
Yukito finds out from Hijiri, the local doctor, that Minagi’s mother has a mental illness caused by the miscarriage of her second child. When Yukito goes to see Minagi at her house, her mother appears calling Minagi, ‘Michiru’; the name she would have called her miscarried child. It is explained that Minagi was closer to her father than her mother, and because of her mother's wish that her next child be closer to her, she has delusions that Michiru was born and Minagi never existed.
When Minagi talks to Yukito, she talks of her desire to leave, prompting Yukito to take her with him on his journey. However, when they walk to her house, Minagi’s mother sees them, causing her memories of the miscarriage return and her delusions to end. With her mother's illness gone, Minagi invites Michiru to dinner, and her mother is surprised at the coincidence of her friend's name being the same as her miscarried daughter.
Soon after, Minagi and Yukito go to the school roof where they find Michiru. She explains that she was a wandering spirit who came down to Earth because she saw a sad girl that she wished to make happy. Now that Minagi is happy, she has to leave. Michiru then vanishes. When Minagi gets home, she is given a letter from her father, explaining that he has re-married and new wife has given birth to a little girl. When Minagi goes to visit, she finds that the daughter is named, and looks exactly like, Michiru.
When Minagi talks to Yukito, she talks of her desire to leave, prompting Yukito to take her with him on his journey. However, when they walk to her house, Minagi’s mother sees them, causing her memories of the miscarriage return and her delusions to end. With her mother's illness gone, Minagi invites Michiru to dinner, and her mother is surprised at the coincidence of her friend's name being the same as her miscarried daughter.
Soon after, Minagi and Yukito go to the school roof where they find Michiru. She explains that she was a wandering spirit who came down to Earth because she saw a sad girl that she wished to make happy. Now that Minagi is happy, she has to leave. Michiru then vanishes. When Minagi gets home, she is given a letter from her father, explaining that he has re-married and new wife has given birth to a little girl. When Minagi goes to visit, she finds that the daughter is named, and looks exactly like, Michiru.
Sola's story revolves around Yorito Morimiya, the main protagonist, who is a young boy attending high school. He loves taking pictures of the sky at any time of day and any time of the year. One day, Yorito decides to take a picture of the sunrise overlooking the bay, but is deterred when he meets a strange girl trying to force a vending machine that stole her money to give her what she tried to buy—a can of tomato juice. Yorito helps her with forcing the machine while attempting to strike up conversation with her, despite it being four in the morning. Yorito tells her why he is here, but by the time he has forced the can out of the machine, the girl has mysteriously vanished.Main Character
Yorito Morimiya (森宮依人)
Yorito is the main protagonist of Sola. He enjoys taking photographs of the sky and will go out of his way to do so. He meets Matsuri Shihō early on in the story and finds out she is not human and is being chased by a man — Takeshi Tsujido — who intends to kill her. Yorito tries to protect her by asking her to stay at his house. Yorito has an older sister named Aono who at the beginning of the story is in the hospital. Yorito visits her with Mana everyday and he brings her a new doll from a strange store that sells oddly designed dolls.Yorito is in fact a paper construct made by Aono, implanted with the memories of and designed after the image of the original Yorito, who died in the past.
Aono Morimiya (森宮蒼乃)
Aono is Yorito's older sister who has been sickly ever since she was born and is hospitalized at the beginning of the story. She has a cold personality, showing very little emotion but still is visibly annoyed at Yorito for how much he seems to ignore her to do other things. Every time Yorito brings her a new doll, she takes one look at it and throws it in a nearby basket filled with other dolls. However, she does not hate them and even has one which is her favorite — the first one Yorito brought her. She enjoys origami and is friends with Koyori.Aono is actually not human, but a Yaka — she was transformed into one by Matsuri when she tried to commit suicide after the Yorito from her time was killed. She has the power to control paper.
Mana Ishizuki (石月真名)
Mana is Yorito's friend from school; she often gets annoyed at Yorito for how he spends so much time taking photographs of the sky instead of spending more time with his sister. Mana works as a waitress at the Azure Restaurant and often comes over to Yorito's house to cook for him. She looks after her younger sister Koyori. She also knows about Matsuri's secret.
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