The story is set in a fictional Germany and centers around the outbreak of biomechanical creatures named "Demoniacs", who rise from corpses and attack people mindlessly. The Demoniacs have the ability to merge with most technology including cars and motorcycles, not only gaining control of them but also enhancing their performance greatly. Against them is a group of people known as XAT, Xenogenesis Assault Team, who police these Demoniacs in an attempt to keep the peace and discover the reasons for the "Demoniac" change. All the while, a number of human-turned-Demoniacs appear. Some use their powers for good whilst others for evil. One will rise above all other Demoniacs to become the "Blassreiter".MAIN CHARACTER
Joseph Jobson (ジョセフ)
A demoniac hunter that appeared at the race circuit; although he does not attack human beings, he still became one of XAT's prioritized targets and spends the first half of the series as a lone, mysterious figure being hunted by both Amalgams and the police force. He is often seen either talking to Elea or whittling a statue of the Virgin Mary.Joseph Jobson was an Outsider that had been adopted by a church after his mother died frozen to death in the countryside. He spent his childhood in a tightly-knit community, helping the priest look after the other orphans' needs, tend to their home and helping people in need. After the nearby Jever river overflowed, the church became crowded with homeless citizens and wounded seeking refuge - the agitation eventually driving the old priest (who also was Joseph's paternal figure) to death by exhaustion. It was shortly thereafter that he met Magwald Xargin - then an enthusiastic researcher hoping to distribute medication to the impoverished population. It was through Xargin (and his hospitalization after the church was burned by xenophobic citizens) that Joseph met his elder sister, Alexandra 'Sasha' Jobson. For the next few weeks, Joseph developed a close friendship with Xargin, with whom he shared a deep desire to help those in need. However, the medication they provided to the bereaved population and Outsiders (even going as far as trying to smuggle them out of Xargin and Sasha's university - then led by Victor Statchus) proved ineffective and one night, Sasha was beaten to death by Outsider-hating citizens. It was then, through the letter that she had left behind, that Joseph learned that Sasha's research was primarily focusing on military-oriented cybernetics.
After Xargin rebelled against Victor, Joseph tried to stop his erstwhile friend and was mortally wounded - however, in a last plea, Joseph tried to convince Xargin that life was still worth living. In response, the former scientist infected the teen with nanomachine-infested blood, turning him into an amalgam. The next day, Victor Statchus gave him the GARM motorcycle and entrusted him with tracking down the now renegade Magwald Xargin.
Because he had been given Xargin's blood, Joseph is considered as a good candidate for the role of Blassreiter (the strongest Amalgam ever in existence); however, his extraordinary sense of self-control allows him to retain his sanity, at the cost of remaining weaker than other, more 'open-minded' opponents like Xargin or Beatrice.
Years later, Joseph, now with a trademark scar running across his right eye, appeared at the circuit where Gerd Frentzen was competing in order to intercept a runaway Amalgam. The pursuit ends almost in tragedy and turns Gerd into an Amalgam. The change earns him both Gerd and Hermann's anger and although he only attacks Amalgams, he becomes one of XAT's primary targets (he then becomes known as 'Blue' due to his body color). It was after one of his run-ins with the police forces that he befriends Malek, Amanda's adopted brother, with whom he shares similar experiences of bullying and social isolation. Although Malek eventually becomes an Amalgam to sate his desire for justice, he nevertheless tries to bring the young boy back to his senses, even going as far as taking a bullet intended for him. Both were later captured by XAT and brought in for examination.
Joseph's arrest was short-lived, though, as Elea freed him from the laboratory and allowed him to leave the compound in the middle of an Amalgam breakout. He later meets with Amanda, then (apparently) the only XAT survivor, before the two are taken in by the highly secretive Zwölf organization. He is then reunited with the revived Sasha (who now bore white hair and a cybernetic implant in her left eye) and agrees to receiving the Pale Horse physical enhancement program, which will theoretically allow him to develop greater strength at the cost of his own self-control. The experiment later proves successful, turning himself into a berserker-like Blassreiter, with red outlines instead of blue ones.
In his Amalgam form, Joseph can make use of an energy whip, which he can also turn into a narrow-bladed sword. He also uses the GARM motorcycle (masquerading as a Yotsubishi custom model), which he can fuse with once in his Amalgam form.
Hermann Saltza (ヘルマン)
Gerd's friend and a officer of XAT. He often defends Gerd and is angered by those who distrust him. Because he saw Blue/Joseph kill Gerd, he has a deep grudge against him. He often defies orders to do what he thinks is right. He dies in a helicopter crash after telling Amanda to eject on a Paladin. He is brought back later as an Demoniac searching for Amanda. He eventually steals the prototype "666" bike and flees from Zwölf HQ. He undergoes a lone search for Wolf just to end his twisted ways. In episode 19, he kills Wolf with the help of revived Alvin. After helping Amanda rescue Malek from Zwölf, he and Amanda take refuge in an orphanage owned by Amanda's aunt, taking an injured Joseph and a comatose Malek with them. In episode 22, he senses Beatrice approaching the orphanage, intent on getting the data for Isis. He leaves alone to deal with her. Upon meeting Beatrice, he learns that she was the one responsible for Gerd and Malek's fate. After engaging in a fierce battle, he was able to win with the help of the awakened Malek. At the last moment, Beatrice made her last attack on Malek, before succumbing to her wounds. Hermann takes the hit for Malek, and dies in Amanda's arms after he asked Malek if he could have been a good brother to him.

Amanda Werner (アマンダ)
A young woman who is working with XAT. She is Hermann's partner as they both are officers working for XAT.Amanda is the adoptive sister of Malek and greatly cares for him as a sister should for a little brother. She does her best to protect Malek, however he is still bullied by students from his school.
She begins to have doubts about killing Blue, when she sees that he has done unusual things, such as protecting an innocent from a gun shot from another XAT member. Also, because Malek protected him from XAT.
When almost all XAT officers and civilian personnel were killed/turned to Amalgams, Amanda is forced to abandon her headquarters in order to seek refuge.
An A.I. who informs Joseph of possible Demoniac outbreaks. She is capable of controlling Joseph's bike (the Garm), and often calls Demoniac forms "beautiful".Gerd Frentzen (ゲルト)
Gerd Frentzen began the series as the undefeated racing champion. However, as a result of an attack by an Amalgram, Gerd is paralysed and confined to a wheelchair. After being given drugs by a mysterious doctor, Gerd regains the ability to walk. He also gains the ability to transform into a Amalgram himself.He is viewed as a hero, after helping XAT in a fight against an Amalgram. However, this all changes when he attacks his ex-girlfriend, Jill Hoffman. Jill claims that Gerd had no reason to attack her, and that he had merely lost control of himself. In truth, she had been having an affair with his boss, and was using Gerd.
Only two people did not believe Jill's claims, and continued to support Gerd after this event - Hermann and Malek. Unfortunately, continually being pursued by XAT caused Gerd to lose his sanity. He is killed by Joseph, in front of Hermann and Malek.
Gerd was the first major character to be introduced in BLASSREITER. Whilst he does die eventually, he was the primary character for the first part of the series. It should also be noted that Gerd's story has not yet been resolved (his innocence has not been proved, with the public still believing that all Amalgram are evil).
Something else to note is that a newly introduced character bears a strong resemblance to Gerd.
Beatrice Grese
A mysterious doctor that works at Clermont Medical Hospital who gave Gerd Frentzen a pill that would cure his paralaysis under the condition that he would keep it confidential. Beatrice gives Malek a pill as well. Her intentions seem to revolve around the Amalgams which she claims are "evolved" humans.Alvin Lutz
A XAT member. Dedicated to the cause of the organization and loyal to his comrades. He was profound of staying true to who he was until the very end even when he realized he was infected. Considered dead, he was reborn as an amalgam without remembering what has happened at the base and the fact their commander had betrayed everyone at XAT. He served under him, as a sniper (he was the best 1). His skill helped to minimize the damages to the amalgam in the air base from the air attack to demolish them all. But even being a demoniac he remembered his true self in an important battle between Wolf and Amanda & Hermann, saving their lives and helping them win over the evil and corrupted former commander of XAT. "I will not forgive you even in death" - he said for the 2nd time while blowing the amalgam Wolf's head off.(he said it for the 1st time when the same commander killed him and his partner at the XAT's base final battle. Afterward he stood for his principles and put and end to his life, leaving only his sniper rifle for his friends to find when arriving at the scene. Malek Werner
Amanda Werner's little brother. A fan of Gerd Frentzen. He is constantly bullied and skips school because of it, but doesn't tell his sister. He meets Joeseph, who saves him from bullies. He later takes care of him after he's wounded during a fight with XAT. He receives a pill from Beatrice and becomes a Blassreiter bent on revenge against those who prey on the innocent.Magwald Xargin
A mysterious person who has a Blassreiter symbol on his hand, though it seems he can access his powers without reverting to Demoniac form. He shares a past with Joseph, and it is implied that he was the one who turned Joseph into a Blassreiter. His goal is to reform the world.
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