Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu
SynopsisThe story centers around Yuuto Ayase and his classmate Haruka Nogizaka. While Yuuto is rather ordinary, Haruka is very attractive, intelligent and rich. Due to this, she is the school's most unattainable girl and is so idolized that her classmates give her the French nicknames "Nuit Étoile" (The Silver Star of the Night) and "Lumière du Clavier" (The Shining Princess on the Piano). One day, when Yuuto goes to the school library to return a book, he stumbles across Haruka and her darkest secret—she is a diehard fan of anime, manga and the otaku culture. Yuuto promises to keep her secret hidden and the two become close friends. Yuuto does his best to help Haruka with her secret hobby while developing his relationship with her.Main Character |
Yuuto Ayase (綾瀬 裕人)
Yūto is the main protagonist of the story. He is an ordinary student who attends the private high school Hakujō Academy and is in his second year of high school. One day, he stumbles across his classmate Haruka in the library and discovers her hidden secret — she is a major otaku and loves anime and manga. Following this revelation, Yuuto starts to hang out with Haruka more which causes his fellow classmates and those in school to give him wicked glares. Yuuto lives with his parents and older sister Ruko, though his parents are always working and thus are generally absent from home. He behaves bluntly and generally likes to be left alone. He has an average determination to study for school.Haruka Nogizaka (乃木坂春香)
Birthday: October 20thHaruka is the female main character, and is Yūto's classmate. She is idolized at school due to her beauty and intelligence, and is regarded as the school's most unattainable girl. In fact, at school she is known by the French nicknames "Nuit Étoilée" (The Silver Star of the Night) and "Lumière du Clavier" (The Shining Princess on the Piano). She is very skilled at playing the piano and has taken overall victories in international contests. She also has a gentle personality, is a natural airhead, and is quite clumsy. Her deep hidden secret is that she is a major otaku and loves anime and manga. In middle school, her secret was exposed and she received a certain amount of prejudice towards it which caused her to keep it a secret once she entered high school. When Yūto finds out about it, Haruka is relieved that he does not tell anyone or harass her about it. She also comes from a rich family and privileged upbringing, so her interest in the otaku subculture is looked down upon due to her status in society, which is another reason why she keeps it a secret.
Shiina Amamiya (天宮 椎菜)
Shiina is a girl who participated in the London Piano Contest with Haruka; Shiina ranked second before Haruka who ranked first. She transfers into Yūto's class at school. Her hobbies include playing the piano and the martial art of naginatajutsu. She always has a positive and cheerful personality and has a sociable personality which makes her transition as a transfer student very easy. She used to live in Otaru, Hokkaidō, Japan, though does not speak much of those days.
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