The story centers around Akihisa Yoshii, the "baka" of the title. His academy rigidly divides up the student body into classes based on the results of tests. The prodigies are in the A class with reclining seats complete with air conditioning, but Akihisa is in F class, the lowest rung of the school ladder which is furnished only with low, decrepit tables and worn-out straw tatami mats. A girl named Mizuki Himeji is actually one of the smartest girls in Akihisa's sophomore year, but she had a fever on test day and was pigeonholed into the F class. Besides Mizuki (who Akihisa secretly adores), the F class also has Yuuji Sakamoto, the class president who has been Akihisa's friend and partner-in-crime since the freshman year.The school happens to have developed experiments to summon fantasy creatures, and Akihisa decides to rally F class to take on the higher-tiered classes and seize their perks. The F class uses the summoned creatures in an all-out battle for school supremacy.
Main Character
Mizuki Himeji (姫路瑞希)
Height 152 cmWeight: 42 kg
2nd Grade highschool student in Fumizuki Gakuen. She's in the same F-class along with Akihisa and friends, but actually she is ranked 2nd from the whole school in academics.
A gentle and well-behaved bishoujo. Though she is weak in health, body development is pretty okay, with an F-class bust size.
She came to the F-class because she exited the room midway during the class division examinations- resulting in a zero score. She was Akihisa's first love since long ago when they were in elementary school, but never noticed until recently when he pleaded for her during the class division examinations. But why she likes Akihisa is the greatest mystery of the 21st century. It seems it has something to do with the rabbit-shaped hair decoration she likes.
After the incident she tried several times to confess to Akihisa, but due to unfortunate circumstances she did not succeed. But when she is drunk or her emotions are stirred, her actions can cross the line.
She is very smart but because of her innocent character, she believes in others' words too easily. She also does not have any love experience; and although she knows Akihisa is trying his best for her, she thinks it's just because he is kind. And she did not yet notice Minami's heart to Akihisa.
She is neat and mature but easily become jealous. Influenced by Minami and the F-class, her punishment level of Akihisa's flirtatious(?) nature has grown recently. She cooks with images, not ingredients (ex: "Sour" -> "Vinegar" = "Acetic Acid") and therefore the taste of her food is the ultimate weapon that sends anyone who eats it to the underworld. However because she fears of the victim becoming her practice target and hides the truth, she does not her true capability. Her hobbies are sewing dolls and collecting photos of Akihisa in girls's outfits.
She is very weak against alcohol, and easily gets drunk. When she's drunk, she gets bold.
Because of her insensibility, she does not know of her appeal or her past records; thus not very confident in herself.
Her Shoukanjuu's tools are western-styled armor and a large sword. Bracelet's special ability is "Heat rays". Occult version is Succubus, influenced from the feature "Boldness (in many meanings)" and "bust size".
Hideyoshi Kinoshita (木下秀吉)
2nd grade high school student in Fumizuki Gakuen. Friend of Akihisa from 1st grade.He is one of the rarely found people with ordinary minds in Class F, but because of that he's often pressured by his classmates. According to grandpa's words, he is owner of an unbelievable beauty, so much that he's often called a girl--but really, he is a fine man. His loveliness even nominated him in the list of 'Guys who would look good in girl's outfit' sponsored by the Journalism club, but was dropped from the ranking after all, 'unfair' being the reason. At the end even girls come to forget his real gender, leaving Akihisa as the only one who recognizes him as a guy (though sometimes even Akihisa sees him as a girl, because of his appearance). In case of a training camp (for the safety of his own and the others) he is given a private separate dressing room and bathroom. In the school, there is a rumor that Hideyoshi is actually of the 3rd gender, dubbed "Hideyoshi". As in Akihisa's case, Hideyoshi's photos are secretly sold and bought--the price of his photo being 5 times higher than photos of Akihisa in girl outfits. He feels regretful for the fact he is not treated as a guy by many. However, looking at how he blushes his face when treated as the opposite sex by Akihisa, delights when is called a fool's friend, puts in tackles that are subtly off the point--it seems he doesn't hate it so much either.
As a conclusion, this person is too not so normal at all.
He takes part in the Drama club, and his specialty is vocal mimicry--be that a girl's or a boy's voice. Even though in many cases he is not too willing to act, once the situation starts he perfectly deals with his given role, thanks to his excessive drama spirit. Part of the reason why he is in Class F is because he got himself absorbed too much into drama and couldn't keep up the grades. It seems he is especially weak in Classic Literature.
In contrast to his lovely outlook, he has an extremely strong stomach('Steel Stomach' as called by himself) that can even take in a potato seed. However even such stomach cannot stand against Mizuki's mighty lunch.
His name originates from 'Toyotomi Hideyoshi' and his old name 'Kinoshita Toukichirou'.
His shoukanjuu (summoned beast)'s equipments are blue pants and Naginata. Occult version is Nekomata (ghost cat girl), obviously influenced from the nature 'Cuteness'.
Shouko Kirishima (霧島翔子)
Birthdate: November 11th, 1993Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Shouko Kirishima is the childhood friend of Yuuji Sakamoto. She is the top student in her level and the class representative for class A. In the story, she is portrayed as a soft-spoken, but highly assertive and intelligent girl. In the novel, her dialog always starts with ellipses. She is described as elegantly beautiful and very popular like a typical Yamato Nadeshiko, but yet has no boyfriend, which initially created the impression to others that she is a lesbian. Later, it was revealed that the reason for this is because she is crazily infatuated with Yuuji since childhood and acts possessively towards him, to the point of frequently poking out his eyes in order to prevent him from seeing other girls' underwear, applying locks and chains while they are together, using a hand-held taser if he is being 'unfaithful' to her, and even attempted to submit a marriage certificate to the civil (but fails in the anime due to them being underage). Despite being tricked multiple times, she still shows a trusting nature towards Yuuji and practically believes everything he says. Shouko is also shown to be someone who is a very long-term thinker, and has already decided on her children's names (Shoyu for a girl, and Kosho for a boy). She is also "hopeless when it comes to gadgets" (機械音痴) and is known to ruin any electronic gadget that falls into her hands, although in the novels she brings one that contains Yuuji's supposed voice proposing to her and claims its 'normal music'. While she is a part of class A, Shouko often hangs around Akihisa's inner circle of class F only because she wants to be around Yuuji. Her Shoukanju is clad in Samurai armor and wields a Japanese longsword. During the ESB field error, her Shoukanju also becomes an adult version of herself wearing only an apron and lingerie.
Yuuji Sakamoto (坂本雄二)
Yuuji Sakamoto is the class representative of class F. In the series, the class rep position is assigned to the smartest student of that class. He is cool, collected, and exhibit surprisingly high intelligence and foresight unexpected of a student from class F. In volume 1, his strategies and tactics had helped class F to attain victory after victory, until the duels with class A in which he overestimated his ability in elementary school level Japanese history. Yuuji was once known as a child prodigy in his childhood. The only reason why he ended up in class F was because he did not study at all and he holds the strong belief that grades are not everything. However, due to the consequences he 'suffered' from his defeat from Shōko Kirishima, his childhood friend and also the top student of his level, he became motivated to study again, and in the later volumes, his Shoukanjuu became reasonably strong in just a few months due to his test scores improving by leaps and bounds. It is implied that he is actually smarter than his childhood friend, Shouko. After the tournament in volume 2, he acquired a platinum bracelet which allows him to control the size of the force field of his Shoukanjuu, allowing him to form a one-man army choke point since humans cannot pass through this force field.
He bears no ill intention towards Shouko, but due to her unyielding obsession with marrying him since their childhood days, he sees her as having a few loose screws in her mind, and fears to even think of his future if he does marry her. In the anime, its suggested that they act like a married couple though she tends to treat him as a slave. Yuuji is close to Akihisa to the point where they can actually communicate without any words. A gag in the series is that Yuuji will attempt to decipher a complicated expression on Akihisa and comment on a series of events that must have taken place. While he meant it as a joke, he is always a spot-on when this happens. His Shoukanjuu wears an outfit that makes it look like a punk, and is armed with brass knuckles.
Minami Shimada (島田美波)
Height 156 cmWeight: 45 kg
2nd grade highschool student in Fumizuki Gakuen. In Class F. Classmates with Akihisa from 1st grade. Born in Germany, she returned to Japan.
Her trademark are the sharp eyes and ponytail. She has a model-like tall figure and has long legs, however her breasts are flat. She is strong and wild; according to herself, her hobby is "beating up Akihisa" and really does hit him all the time for whatever reason, but it's just a reverse way of displaying her special feelings to him. The so-called 'tsundere'. Whenever Akihisa's up to do anything useless, she restricts him with excessive violence; and for this reason, Akihisa takes her as his natural enemy.
She is taking the rumor of Akihisa liking a boy quite seriously (the same applies to Mizuki), she shows opposition to Hideyoshi or Yuuji as well, but does not notice her real rival Mizuki, and Akihisa's ever growing friendliness to her.
She succeded in threatening Akihisa and forcing him to call her by name "Minami", and let herself call him as "Aki" during the 1st Summon War (vs Class D).
Due to her headstrong personality, she never acknowledges her feeling of love to anyone and can't even fake it by acting. However after receiving Akihisa's mistakenly sent SMS of confession(so she believes) she becomes honest with her real feelings. She becomes so frank that even dares to take away Akihisa's first kiss in front of Mizuki's eyes, and show some really lovey-dovey(?) scenes resulting in surrounding peoples' enragement. However after she learns of the truth, back to normal. But later when she "really" finds out how Akihisa certainly is looking at her as a 'girl', she comes to have feelings for him, for real.
Her inside character is, surprisingly girly; she has Akihisa's photograph in a frame decorating her room.
Although her academic abilities are as high as Class-B level, but due to the fact she was born in Germany and cannot read Kanji, she has low grades for most of the subjects--especially for Classic Literature: 1-digit grade. However this is strictly because she cannot read the text; she is good at math where Kanji is not needed.
She is ranked 3rd from Fumizuki Gakuen's 'Girl I would hate to have as a girlfriend' list, the reason being her harsh attitude towards Akihisa.
Her parents are almost always out for work and she is mostly alone, and thanks to this she is good at cooking. But after she finds out Akihisa's cooking skills, she lost her confidence a bit. She likes collecting rag dolls.
Her shoukanjuu (summoned beast)'s equipments are military outfit and Sabre. Occult version is Nurikabe (wall monster), influenced from her nature of 'Wall=Flat Chest'.
Kouta Tsuchiya (土屋康太)
Height: 162 cmWeight: 48 kg
2nd Grade highschool student in Fumizuki Gakuen. In Class F. Friends with Akihisa since grade 1.
Because of his silent and serene nature he is not often noticed, but for his perverted heart and how he is always trying to hide it, he was nicknamed "Muttsurini (parody of Mussolini, also said to be the shortened form of Muttsuri Sukebe (Retinent Pervert)".
His grades are as low as Akihisa (but just a bit higher than him), but his knowledge of sex is unusually broad. However in reality he lacks boldness so much that spouts out nosebleed just by imagining in his head. And in such cases he bleeds so much that requires several packs of blood to maintain vitality.
He also excels in Health and Physical Education subjects.
Akihisa Yoshii (吉井明久)
Height 177 cmWeight: 58 kg
The main protagonist and the storyteller of the series.
2nd Grade in Fumizuki Gakuen's Highschool, F-Class student.
Although he denies it, he is a rarely found 'fool' who even his own parents call him as "the fool over all the world." Not only are his grades the lowest, but he's really so stupid that he is titled the "Kansatsu Shobunsha (under observation)" from the school. For him his own safety is the most important thing and does not hesitate to use the most cowardly ways if needed. However he also has a righteous heart that can stand up against for other friends (except Yuuji).
On the outside he is quite a bishounen, but is frequently thought (mostly by female students) to look better in a girl's outfit, and such photos and merchandise of him are secretly sold by Mutsurini--dubbed the hidden idol "Aki-chan".
He admires Mizuki but does not even dream of receiving love from her. While Minami has a heart for Yoshii, he thinks that he is hated by her after a series of events that almost killed him.
He entered Fumizuki Gakuen because his parents thought it was cheap. Yoshii's parents live overseas because of work, and for this reason he lives by himself. With nobody looking after him, he used up all his money for personal use and therefore was living in a poverty. His main food used to be salt and water--until his older sister returned back to Japan. Thanks to her supervision he couldn't spend money as he wished so his meals became normal once again.
However because his sister and mother's housework abilities were zero, Yoshii is quite an expert when it comes to such areas. He is especially skilled in cooking.
He is right-handed but he used to be a lefty (so says he).
Although his shoukanjuu's battle level is the lowest, he can comfortably stand up against high-class shoukanjuus thanks to his fluent ability to control it. However, because he is the Kansatsu Shobunsha, the fatigue and damage experienced by his shoukanjuu is returned to himself, he tries to avoid summoning during battles if not necessary.
Shoukanjuu's weapon is a modified Gakuran and a wooden sword. The Occult version is "Dullahan (headless knight)", influenced from the feature that 'No head=fool'.
As told by Gakuen Principal, he is the one that is "distorting the essence of the Test Summon System".
Yuuko Kinoshita (木下優子)
Hideyoshi's sister and a member of class A. She beat Shimada in math in episode 2. Her summoned being wears knight armor and it uses a Lance as its main weapon.She seems to be interested in BL or Shounen Ai as revealed in episode 12.
Hiromi Nakabayashi (中林 宏美)
The class representative for the E class. Her Shōkanjū appeared as a baseball player.
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