Fortune Arterial's story revolves around the male protagonist Kohei Hasekura, who transfers into a prestigious public school in the style of an English six-year school encompassing junior-high and high school students. The school is on an island named Tamatsu Island off-shore from mainland Japan, and the only way to get there is by boat. Soon after transferring, he discovers that one of the student in the class next door to his, Sendo Erika, is in fact a type of vampire.Main Character
Kouhei Hasekura (支倉 孝平)
Kohei is the protagonist of the story, and is a fifth-year student. Soon after transferring to his new school, he discovers that Erika Sendō is a type of vampire. Kiriha Kuze (紅瀬 桐葉)
Birthday: November 21Kiriha is Kohei's classmate. She is most often seen alone, and will not talk much, even when spoken to directly. She does not have many interests, and is in no clubs. She has been exceptional in math ever since she was young. She is a vampire servant, which makes her immortal and she has superhuman powers, though she does not need blood and has lost her sense of taste.
Erika Sendou (千堂 瑛里華)
Erika is also a fifth-year student, as well as the student council vice-president. She is strong in literature classes and martial arts, and is very attractive, making her popular in her school. She has an inquisitive personality, and likes to do things directly. Once she has her mind set on something, she becomes very pushy, and will take her time making plans to make sure she gets her way. Her older brother Iori is the student council president.Shiro Tougi (東儀 白)
Shiro is a fourth-year student who gives off a delicate image, and is very shy. She was introduced to the student council by her brother who was already on the council, and it was decided that Shiro would become the treasurer. However, she is often missing from student council meetings after school.Haruna Yuuki (悠木 陽菜)
Haruna is in Kohei's class, and is also a childhood friend of his. She has a bright personality, and enjoys helping others. She has had many boys from school confess their love to her, but she has turned down every one of them.Kanade Yuuki (悠木 かなで)
Kanade is Kohei's childhood friend, and is the older sister of Haruna. She is constantly in high spirits, and likes to do things at her own pace. She loves her younger sister so much, that she says that if she had been born a man from another family, she would have definitely married Haruna eventually. She often calls her sister "Hina".
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