Busou Renkin
The story begins when high school student Kazuki Muto is killed one night saving a mysterious girl from a monster, only to wake up in his school dorm, believing it to have been a dream. However, he soon finds out that dream wasn't a dream at all when a giant serpentine monster attacks him and his sister. Tokiko Tsumura, the girl he saved, explains that the monster is a homunculus. Kazuki had been attacked and killed by it when he was rescuing her. However, she, feeling responsible for him, revived him by placing a Kakugane medallion in his chest, serving as a replacement heart.The Kakugane, as Tokiko explains, is an alchemical device that, when activated, takes a certain form based on the Kakugane's user, forming a unique Buso Renkin. The Buso Renkin is the only thing that can destroy a homunculus monster. Using this, Kazuki creates his own Buso Renkin (the "Sunlight Heart", a huge lance). Along with Tokiko and her own Buso Renkin (the "Valkyrie Skirt", an execution scythe), Kazuki joins the fight against the homunculi and their master.
Main Character
Koushaku Chouno (蝶野攻爵)
Alias: Papillon (パピヨン)
Known relatives: Jizou (younger brother), Bakushaku (grandfather)
Weapon: Busou Renkin named "Near Death Happiness"
Koushaku Chouno is a major antagonist in the Busou Renkin series. He is introduced very early in the plot and is the main villain working against Kazuki Muto and Tokiko Tsumura up until the L.X.E. is introduced.
He appears sinister and sickly, described as having "eyes like rotten river sewage". He aspires for eternal life, no matter which method he must use to attain it. This huge desire for immortality stems from his affliction by a mysterious disease that weakens his body drastically.
Kazuki Muto (武藤カズキ)
A 16-year-old boy who attends a private academy with his sister. After becoming involved in Tokiko Tsumura's fight and subsequently being killed and revived by a Kakugane (which later turns out to be a dark Kakugane), he is told to simply return to his ordinary life, but instead insists upon assisting Tokiko in her battles. Kazuki is very enthusiastic and friendly, and cares deeply for his friends and sister, Mahiro, tending to put himself in danger or difficulty in order to assist or protect others. Although he has an unusual way of showing it, he does have feelings for Tokiko Tsumura.The Kakugane Tokiko used to revive Kazuki turned out to be Black Kakugane III, which transformed him into a being just like Victor. He is then pursued by the 'Muto-assassination team', as well as his former commander, Captain Bravo. During his assassination, he was dubbed 'Victor III' by the Alchemy Warriors. In the end, he sacrifices himself when he sends himself and Victor to the moon with Sunlight Heart +. In Buso Renkin Period, however, he returns to Earth successfully with help from Victor's Buso Renkin, Fatal Attraction. As soon as he returned to Earth, he and Papillon settled their scores, with Kazuki claiming victory. After this, he returns to a normal life with Tokiko.
Mamoru Sakimori (防人衛)
Better known as Captain Bravo in the series. He is Tokiko's commander, who dresses in an outfit that covers every inch of his body except for his eyes. Though Tokiko assumed this was to protect his identity, Bravo actually has no qualms with showing his real appearance when he acts as Kazuki's dorm supervisor. He claims that he doesn't use his real name because it's cooler that way, (That's what Kazuki thought the reason was, or more like he thinks it's cool) the truth being he abandoned the name after his first and last mission in the "Showusei Team," who only managed to save Tokiko. He acts as a father figure for Kazuki. During the Muto assassination arc, he tried to kill Kazuki up to a point where he threw him off a cliff, but he later defends Kazuki when Kazuki defeats him. He was critically injured by Hiwatari when he gave up his Silver Skin to cover up Kazuki and Tokiko from getting killed by Hiwatari's Blaze of Glory. Bravo remained conscious and controlled Silver Skin to prevent both Hiwatari and Kazuki from harming each other until Showusei appeared and stopped both raging warriors. True to his name, the captain has a tendency to say "Bravo" when applauding someone. He claims that he has 13 different attacks regardless of identity, such as "Meteor-Bravo Kick," and "Charming-Bravo Kiss."Tokiko Tsumura (津村斗貴子)
A 17 year old alchemy warrior that was assigned to take care of a homunculus problem in Kazuki's town. When Kazuki tried to save her from a homunculus (in actuality, she had the situation under control) she felt a sense of attachment to him and revived him with a kakugane, intending to make sure that he never gets killed again. Tokiko is very dedicated to her job, claiming that she hates all homunculi, and quit going to school in order to be more efficient. This hatred comes from the trauma she suffered as a little girl, when all the people in her school were killed or eaten by homunculi except her. As such, she is serious almost all the time, which leads to some awkward situations when with Kazuki and his friends. She is later assigned to be a student at Kazuki's school by Captain Bravo. She eventually falls in love with Kazuki and stays with him at the end of the series. Her quote when battling is "I'll rip your guts out". True to her words, the Valkyrie skirt has torn many enemies apart.
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