SynopsisThe story is set in a neo-futuristic age, in which Tokyo has turned into the world’s largest “jungle-polis” that absorbs carbon dioxide. A tower city called Atlas houses the rich and privileged, and is the object of yearning of all who are not allowed to enter. But Atlas also has ancient secrets which cause a sudden whirl of events. Festooned by colorful characters such as a riotous teenage girl, a child genius, a juvenile princess, a drag queen, a female doctor, an army major, and an elderly gentleman and lady, SHANGRI-LA’s hard-core world view plays out as an anime action saga.A striking vision of Earth's future from some of Japan's foremost creative talents, SHANGRI-LA is a tale of greed and division vs. bravery and the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a Tokyo cityscape turned into a teeming jungle by runaway global warming, with the elite living in the comfort of the tower city, Atlas, and the less-privileged masses struggling in the squalor in the jungle – only one girl, Kuniko Hojo, and her band of guerrillas can find a way to preserve the future for everyone.. |
Main Character
Mikuni (美邦)
A mysterious 8-year-old girl of aristocratic class residing in Atlas. She is a very pale little girl, stricken with a disease which prevents her from being exposed to sunlight. She is referred to as "The Moon" and is also called Digma 1. She has the uncanny ability to see through lies, and subsequently puts liars to death with a psychic power that brutally manipulates and crushes their body. She carries a sacred dagger identical to the ones Kuniko and Kunihito have, as well as an earring matching the one Momoko wears.Kunihito Kusanagi (草薙 国仁)
Affiliation: Atlas CorporationA military officer who does not want to hurt others as much as the Atlas military wants to. Works for Atlas Corporation under Leon's lead. Carries a sacred dagger identical to Kuniko's and Mikuni's, except that the tip of his dagger is broken. He is referred to as "The Land" and is Digma 3.[Wikipedia]
Major of the 10th Antiaircraft Artillery Corps who insistently hunts down the Metal-age. Brought up by an ordinary family, Kunihito is a clever fellow with an honest heart.
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