Fairy Tail OVA
SynopsisSpecial OVAs bundled with the 26th, 27th and 31st volumes of the manga.1. Youkoso Fairy Hills! Lucy comes across a mysterious written request. The client is looking for an object that is in Fairy Tail's female dormitory, Fairy Hills. To verify the request, Lucy visits Fairy Hills, and discovers that the client is Hilda, the dormitory head who is looking for a "shining treasure." Meanwhile, Natsu and the other guild members are cleaning their pool. 2. Yousei Gakuen: Yankee-kun to Yankee-chan The anime adaptation of the manga side story "Yousei Gakuen Yankee-kun to Yankee-chan," which puts the characters of Fairy Tail in a school setting. The title is a parody of Miki Yoshikawa's "Yankee-kun to Megane-chan." 3. Untitled An all-new original story storyboarded by Hiro Mashima, the author of Fairy Tail. Will be released in February 2012. |
Main Character
Happy (ハッピー)
Happy is a cat with some magical power, which may be the reason for his ability to speak. He can temporarily grow wings on his back and fly, and is capable of carrying only one person in this form. Happy apparently can fly at incredible speed (As it took Eligor less than a hour to reach Clover when Happy caught up with him in mere seconds with Natsu in tow) This is also the only kind of transportation that does not make Natsu sick. When asked why, Natsu got angry and exclaimed that Happy was a friend, not a means of transportation, ironically Natsu later gets sick when Gray gives him a piggyback ride when he's injured. He's very close to Natsu and becomes friends with Lucy quickly. The three form a team at the start of the manga. Happy is a full-fledged member of Fairy Tail, and has a member stamp on his back. It's also unknown if Happy even though being a mage and a member of Fairy Tail, can use his magic offensively or not.Happy has a very cheerful nature. Even when facing danger, he maintains a smile. Along with Lucy, he is one of the saner members of Fairy Tail and often acts as the mediator between Natsu and Gray.
Happy's original name was going to be named Freyr, after a Norse god. But Hiro Mashima felt it didn't fit him, so he change the name to Happy to fit the character.
Happy is actually a magical creature that comes from Edolas. These creatures are called Exceed, and are sent to Earthland to kill the Dragon Slayers.

Natsu Dragneel (ナツ ドラグニル)
Name: Natsu DragneelGender: Male
Occupation: Mage
Affiliation: Fairy Tail Guild
Team: Team Natsu
Known relatives: Igneel (Foster Father), Happy (Foster Son)
Magic: Fire Dragon Slayer magic
Natsu Dragneel is the main male protagonist of the series and a member of the Fairy Tail Guild. He is frequently partnered with fellow Fairy Tail members Happy, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, and Erza Scarlet.
Natsu's most prominent features are his spiky rosy-colored hair and his signature scaly white scarf which may have been given to him by Igneel. Natsu has a scar on the right side of his neck which may be the reason he wears his scarf almost all the time. How he got the scar is yet to be revealed. He has no separate eye color, his eyes instead being solely the color of his black pupils. Natsu is of regular height, and his body is toned but not noticeably muscular. His member's stamp is located at the top of his right arm, just below his shoulder.
Natsu has a carefree and reckless nature and, despite his constant brawls with the other members of the guild, is a fiercely loyal and protective friend. He has a particularly close, and competitive relationship with fellow members; Gray Fullbuster and Erza Scarlet. With the former, he has had a constant rivalry with from a young age and although they often denounce each other as being friends, they regularly watch each others' back nonetheless they are enraged with one another. He has had the same sort of relationship with Erza - the two both being scared of her since a young age - and they seemed to have a fairly good relationship in the past as, according to Erza, they used to shower together. He befriends rather quickly too, considering Lucy a friend and willing to team up with only after a few days of knowing her.
Natsu's father had left him when he was young. Igneel, a dragon, found him in the forest and ended up taking care of him. He taught Natsu how to speak, read, and use magic. But one day Igneel disappeared. This made Natsu look forward to the next time that they would meet.
He was chosen to be one of the eight candidates for the S-Class Test and picks Happy as his partner.
Gray Fullbuster (グレイ・フルバスター)
Gray Fullbuster is a member of the Fairy Tail guild. He is an 18 year-old ice mage, practicing ice alchemy, the art of molding ice. Due to his training history, he is most comfortable in little clothing and often forgets to wear clothes or quickly takes it off, thus often being accused of being an exhibitionist. He and Natsu have a friendly rivalry, and can often be seen fighting one another. Lucy believes the nature of his magic is the reason that he and Natsu constantly bicker. His member stamp is on the right side of his chest.Gray's adeptness and strength as an ice mage is quickly shown in the story. During the Lullaby of Death arc, he teams with Natsu and Erza to defeat the demon awakened from the evil spirit from the Lullaby of Death. Members of the League praise his quickness at molding ice. Later in the story, he defeats Jubia, one of the Elemental Four of Phantom Lord. This victory may have been partly influenced by Jubia's liking to Gray. Jubia comments on Gray's skill, shocked that he was able to freeze both her boiling water and the rain. After Phantom Lord's defeat, Jubia secretly spies on Gray, bringing a packed lunch for Gray while he and the guild are rebuilding the headquarters.
In certain panels, Gray's necklaces looks quite similar to the Rave Stone which is a crucial part of another one of Mashima's stories, "Rave Master." Mashima has stated he doesn't remember the name. He takes off his clothes because Ur made him do it as one of her teachings and now it's a force of habit.
The child time Gray is voiced by Eri Kitamura.
Lucy Heartfilia (ルーシイ・ハートフィリア)
Lucy is a 17 year-old mage and the main female character of Fairy Tail. She is the newest member of Fairy Tail guild, joining at the start of the main story line. Lucy's member stamp is located on the back of her right hand. Her measurements are B:88 W:59 H:88.At the beginning of the series, Lucy is an independent novice mage searching for a mage guild to join, particularly interested in Fairy Tail, which she claims as the strongest mage guild. Though she tells Happy she considered joining Fairy Tail's rival guild, Phantom Lord, due to their similar outrageous nature and personality, she is content with her decision of joining Fairy Tail. After being rescued by Natsu from the slave ship, she is invited to join the guild. Once joining Fairy Tail, Lucy becomes a member of Natsu's team.
Lucy is one of the saner and more stable members of Fairy Tail, having common sense that other members of the guild seem to lack. She consistently points out Natsu's and others' idiocy. Lucy is also very confident in her appearance and sexiness, exuding a certain amount of vanity. Despite this superficial attitude, Lucy is passionate for literature and is in the process of writing her own novel about her adventures with Fairy Tail. She is a member of the Heartphilia family, one of the richest and most influential conglomerate families in the country of Fiore. However, due to her estranged relationship with her father and the death of her mother, she left home to follow her own path.
It should also be noted that she was the only other person who had ever shut Gray and Natsu up without beating them up first. Natsu and Gray seem a little scared of her when she's under the weather, even if Lucy's magic is not as strong as theirs and can't force them into submission like Erza.
Lucy practices Stellar Spirit magic, a skill which allows her to summon spirits from another world using Keys of the Gates. Her Stellar Spirits have varying levels of power, with different ones suited for different tasks. For example, Aquarius can control water, while Taurus has enormous strength. Along with her keys, she also carries a whip, which she is proficient with. Lucy explains to Natsu that Stellar Spirit mages have the potential to obtain extremely rare Gold Keys, which open the gates of the "Ecliptic Zodiac", and common, store-bought Silver keys. Each gold key has the Zodiac symbol of the one it is used to summon on it. According to Lucy, while there are large number of silver keys, there are only 12 gold keys. Thus far in the series, Lucy has obtained 10 Gold Keys and 4 Silver Keys. She also summoned all of her Gold keys (5 of them at the time) and Plue at once, although it only lasted a few seconds, it showed her to be very powerful. Loki's previous owner was a very powerful mage, yet she could not summon more than one at a time.
She is the daughter of Heartfillia Konzern, daughter of one of the wealthiest families in her country. Her father went bankrupt due to some reason and her father went to work in a guild, where he met Lucy's mother.
Erza Scarlet (エルザ・スカーレツト)
Erza Scarlet (19) is a S-class mage of the Fairy Tail Guild, the strongest still active female, and one of the main female protagonists in Team Natsu.Erza, is a tall, beautiful girl with long red hair, and brown eyes. She is almost always wearing an armored suit, made by Heart Kreuz. However, thanks to her requip magic, she can wear many magic armors, and can even requip swim suits, and clothes for recreational purposes. Her member stamp is on her left shoulder.
Erza is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most them to apologize for fear that they might invoke her wrath. She is also impatient, liking people who answer her questions quickly as seen when she promptly knocks out anyone who doesn't answer her questions (despite them not knowing anything). Also, Erza has a problem where she apparently sees everyone as guild members (best seen when she asks civilians to take things places during a mission). However, she has a great sense of justice. Despite being a very strict person, she seems to have a clumsy side to her as seen during the Galuna arc when she fell into a pit hole.
Like most Fairy Tail members, she shows great loyalty and dedication to Makarov and the guild. She pushed herself past her limit in the war against the Phantom Lord Guild, fighting against its many powerful members. She also became the temporary leader when Makarov had to be treated because of his scattered magic.
Although it hasn't been fully explored, it is implied that Natsu Dragneel, Erza and Gray Fullbuster are all very close to each other. While staying over at Lucy's house, Erza revealed that the three of them used to take showers together. It is later revealed that Erza, Natsu, and Gray have all been part of Fairy Tail ever since they were children.
Erza used to be a child slave where she was forced to help build a tower called the R-system. Over time Erza made friends with other slaves, among them was Gérard. When she and the other slaves tried to rebel, the evil magicians overwhelmed the slaves, but it was then when Erza's magic awakens and kills them all, setting them free from slavery.A cult tried to build this tower to resurrect Zeref. They had slaves to build it, Erza being one of them. Erza has another flashback. In the flashback Gerard tells her they have to fight to survive now. Caught by another guard Gerard get beat and she gets sent back to her prison. No longer able to take the abuse she attacks guards, starting the revolt. At first prevailing, mages start to show up and they begin to lose. A magic blast comes towards Erza, but Rob interferes, saving Erza, but killing him. She gets very angry triggering her magic. She controls all the swords around her and wins the battle for everyone. When everyone is on the boat to go home, Erza goes back in the dungeons to look for Gerard. Already possesd by Zeref, Gerard attacks Erza and tells her he is going to complete the R-System to resurrect Zeref's body. He tells her not to tell anybody about the tower or he will kill everyone. She then wakes up on an island crying about the events just witnessed.
After Erza escapes from the island of slaves, she tries to find Fairy Tail. She had heard about Fairy Tail from an old man named Rob, another slave that was forced to work on the R-system, he also cared for her like a grandpa. Eight years prior to the beginning of the story, she found Fairy Tail and taken in as a member. Upon joining, Erza immediately developed a habit to wear armour, as it made her feel safe. It was around that time when Makarov took her to Porlyusica to get a artificial eye to replace her right eye that had became blind because of an injury.
After Erza escapes from the island of slaves, she tries to find Fairy Tail. She had heard about Fairy Tail from an old man named Rob, another slave that was forced to work on the R-system, he also cared for her like a grandpa. Eight years prior to the beginning of the story, she found Fairy Tail and taken in as a member. Upon joining, Erza immediately developed a habit to wear armour, as it made her feel safe. It was around that time when Makarov took her to Porlyusica to get a artificial eye to replace her right eye that had became blind because of an injury.
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