When Hideki Motosuwa leaves his apartment and accidentally forgets his wallet, Chii takes the wallet and follows him, leaving Sumomo and Kotoko alone in the apartment. It doesn’t take long time until Sumomo discovers that Chii forgot her panties, so Sumomo and Kotoko sets out on an adventurous trip to return the panties to Chii.Main Character
Kotoko is another laptop persocom, like Sumomo, but she was custom-built by Yoshiyuki and has much higher specifications than Sumomo. Kotoko originally belonged to Yoshiyuki, but following Chi's kidnapping, Hideki and Shinbo force Yoshiyuki to transfer ownership of Kotoko to Hideki so that her memories of Yoshiyuki kidnapping Chi cannot be erased.
Kotoko is far more serious than Sumomo, and thinks that everyone in the Motosuwa household is crazy, especially Sumomo, although she herself occasionally exhibits a sarcastic wit. Kotoko is programmed to always tell the truth, no matter what, even when it works to Yoshiyuki's disadvantage.
At the beginning of the series, Shinbo uses Sumomo in an attempt to analyze Chi, and Sumomo is nearly broken in the process, requiring new main memory, and in the manga, a new video card as well. Once Kotoko joined Hideki, she quickly came to the conclusion that Sumomo was crazy, with her nonsensical ways. Sumomo's password after being received by Hideki is Chobits (case sensitive) and ちょびっツ (case sensitive because of the katakana at the end)
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