The story revolves around the everyday life of four high school girls: the flighty Run, the reckless Tooru, the timid Yuuko, and the level-headed Nagi.Main Character
Yuuko (ユー子)
Year 2 high schooler. Yuuko has long black hair which reaches to her waist. She speaks in a Kansai dialect.She is poor with scary things, and would sometimes scream and claim that there is a ghost behind her. As she has a generally shy disposition, she is often the subject of teasing by Tooru and Nagi.
Nagi (ナギ)
Year 2 high schooler. Nagi has brown hair and twin pigtails. She is short-sighted and wears glasses. She is usually the Tsukkomi (Straight man) of the other three's Boke (Fool), and is sensitive when it comes to weight and shape.Nagi is especially weak against cold weather, and would cover her whole body except the eyes, even when it was forecasted that it would be snowing. She has resolutions to go on diets to lose weight, but she hates exercising and has not been successful.
Tooru (トオル)
A short first year student who often has overly long sleeves. She is very protective of Run and will punish anyone who tries to make a move on her. She has a strong dislike toward Yuuko since her first impression of her was seeing her in a compromising situation with Run.Run (るん)
A blonde second year student with a parakeet like hairstyle. She is incredibly ditsy to the point that her friends often have to stop her from hurting herself in the process.
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